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The proximity of the Kerinci region to active volcanoes has left the soil extremely nutritious, which local farmers take full advantage of.


The most well-known agriculture in the area is the farming of cinnamon. As you drive in the mountains it is impossible not to notice the trees with the soft pink leaves that greet the eye at every turn. As you pass through the villages you will immediately see the bright orange bark as it dries outside houses in regimental lines, the sweet smell carried in the breeze. You will also see acres of bright yellow and green rice fields all over the valley.

Indonesia is among the world's top coffee producing and exporting countries. Most of production constitutes the lower quality robusta type. The Kerinci region offers a wide range of smaller coffee plantations in the valleys of the mountains. Today, Indonesia's coffee plantations cover a total area of approximately 1.24 million hectares, 933 hectares of robusta plantations and 307 hectares of arabica plantations. More than 90 percent of total plantations are cultivated by small-scale growers who own relatively small plantations of about 1-2 hectares, each. Indonesia, is ranked as one of the top five coffee producers and exporters in the world.


The area also produces potatoes, tea, rice, guava, tapioca (from the cassava plant) and sugarcane. If you interested in learning about any of these farming practices or spending the day shadowing a local farmer, we can set this up for you! 


We have many farmers who would love to teach you about their crops (season depending)! Experiencing rural Sumatran life first hand is a unique adventure in itself.


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